getting organized for holiday vacations with intel // lifestyle

almost every november we take a vacay to get away for thanksgiving. and every year i think i am going to plan better for it, but it continues to be a stressful week leading up. with less than a week to go (we leave monday!) i decided to put my new

intel tablet

to use and get myself organized for our getaway! i was asked to be part of the intel tablet crew and use this guy as needed to make life easier with everything from playing my favorite music while working away, or answering emails from an app.

i decided it was going to be my work device. mostly because i knew i couldn't get text messages on it and i am refusing to load instagram… my number one distraction. i keep it in my office to check orders, answer all of my emails, listen to our free music from our amazon prime subscription, and do a ton of google searches when looking for inspiration or answers. it really has helped me stay on track, even if i do feel a little anxiety with my phone sitting in another room!

but back to the vacay! this may sound strange, but i always start my packing plan with a little inspiration. so this week i started pinning some things to get me going on my packing.

miss hula


sheer kimono


woven hat


hawaii sweatshirt

i've been gravitating towards neutrals this year which has made it easy to pack for quick trips. black white and grey go with everything! but i'll be adding a few pops. we are going to hawaii after all and that calls for a little color. so after i pooled my inspiration images, i began to collect my necessities. not usually clothes, that's obvious, but accessories and gadgets i know i will need and use on the trip.

these things are always in my bag:

- a book for the plane, airport and beach

- notepads for jotting down ideas while in the plane or relaxing

- the best new gadget for pics when ryan and i are on a vacay alone! this thing with it's bendy arms will attach to anything and holds your phone.

- a large hat. always.

- a small bag that fits in my carryon and works when we are at our destination for going out

- lollia hand lotion. this stuff smells amazing

- my tablet because i can never completely disconnect ;)

next, onto packing! i picked out what i new i definitely wanted to wear and paired each with appropriate accessories, glasses, shoes, etc. i used

my tablet

to store images of the combos so i can easily unpack, keep them together in our condo, and reduce any time in the hotel room… all time in hawaii must be spent somewhere outdoors with a mai tai! here are some of my favorites i can't wait to wear.

and finally, there is a long list of things that will need to be done before i leave. my goal is to always leave my laptop at home, so i'm using evernote on

my tablet

to mark things off through the week and make sure i am good to go monday morning. you can also take pictures directly from the app into your note which was perfect for outfit planning!

dedicating one place (or device!) to keeping me organized for our trip has actually helped me more than i thought. i'm not scrambling for notepads, running to the computer for pinterest, and it even got me packed way in advance.

how do you guys plan for a getaway?

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